About Us

With COVID-19 forcing the extended closure of schools and many of us into self-isolation, the needs amongst our poorer communities are vast. Many of the children in our rural communities are fed daily through the nutritional programmes at their schools. For many, this is the only nutritious and warm meal they get at all. With school closed, the meals cease, and these little people go hungry.

Our original vision was to encourage those in our community to consider partnering with a feeding scheme and assist. The suggestion was to make sandwiches and/or soup, in the confines of self-isolation at home and schedule a drop off to a central distribution point. The children of Lidgetton and Zenzani Village were identified as our initial concern.

Due to the incredible generosity and willingness of those who have contacted us, our project has grown to now include SEVEN Feeding Centres and aims to support hundreds of children. Our food relief is in the form of daily food packs to children, or food parcels or a combination of both.  Many of the children being fed are from child headed homes or families where adults are unemployed.

Each of our centres has a representative who will facilitate the reception of groceries, the cooking of meals and sourcing of local helpers from the community to distribute food. A vital part of this process includes the hygienic preparation of food as well as hand washing and sanitising when food is served.

We require donations in a variety of forms! Given that our project is looking to strategically more to a longer-term solution, we are in need of non-perishable items and financial donations. The non-perishables will form the basis of cooked meals, whilst financial donations assist us in supplementing these on a weekly basis with fresh produce (fruit, veggies and meat).

find out how you can help: